Now is the time when your wisdom is needed!

Spirit Workers, Ascending Healers, & Wisdom Keepers:

You know you are here to contribute your genius in service to the world.

You’ve been experiencing ascension and you know that mastery is possible in this lifetime, and you desire to move towards that now.

Your heart yearns to receive your gifts… you can give your gifts.

Your Higher Self is calling you for union and embodiment.

You cannot bear to live in a dimmed expression of yourself any longer. You know it is time to reveal and share your unique contribution.

You’ve been craving…..

Your personal blueprint that reveals how to:

🦋 Share your wisdom with confidence,

🦋 Live your purpose as a healer,

🦋 Clarify your next steps.

  • Without exhaustion & overwhelm, becoming unrelatable, or molding yourself to another’s agenda.

You practice meditation, yoga, and energy healing

And have created a foundation practice you can rely on

In your life and service work.

AND NOW…you are ready to live in the version of you that is longing to be called forward.

Because you know

that is what will empower you

to tap into your magic

and evolve into your calling.

BUT what gets in the way is:

  • Feeling stuck in an unbreakable loop that you don’t know how to move beyond,

  • You know you have more insight available to you, but you feel blocked from your gifts,

  • Feeling like your life is falling apart as your ascension evolves…..

But this is actually part of the process

Hi! I’m Lisa.

I am the channel and guide of The Ascended Mastery Pathway.

I have offered energy healing, intuitive services, psychic classes, rituals and activations for 16 years.

After a long search to discover who I am and why I am here, my Higher Self guided me to embody my purpose: opening others to access their higher consciousness.

Now I’m grateful for intimate communion with my Higher Self and creative Soul.

Intuitive services are my primary offering. Painting arose as a result of higher consciousness downloads that activated and transformed me. In the midst of Lymes’ disease, I awoke one morning at age 44 with a calling to paint. I didn’t even draw or doodle before my artist archetype activated. The journey to awaken my personal blueprint revealed this hidden aspect.

Now healed from chronic illness, I provide tools to open your awareness so you can receive the gift of your greater Self.

2 ways to connect:

  • Green Tara

    The Ascended Mastery Path

    Your intuition is inviting you to dive deeper.

    You want more. More access. More Source. More Higher Self. More Soul. More YOU.

    Receive Divine Feminine centered guidance resourced from your Oversoul, Archetypes, Higher Self and Soul.

    Embark on a voyage of intuitive discovery, activation, and energy work facilitated through conversation.

  • Divine Feminine Visionary Art

    Feel the inspiration of the Mystical Realm

    Connect with Divine Feminine Archetypes

    Be swept away by the spontaneous creative arisings of Intentional Creativity® paintings

    Hear the call of Spirit through Sacred Images

    Contemplate the Imaginal Realm

    Vivify your creative impulse


  • “I am forever grateful for Lisa’s pure, heart-centered wisdom and healing light. She helped me to heal lifetimes of karma and old patterns. Her work is very empowering as she opens and shows the way to connect with our own personal power and the divine source.”

    Marcy Midnight

  • "I felt held and seen by Lisa who was highly attuned to my energy and emotion. She compassionately addressed my inner conflicts and led me to embody a shift of greater compassion and trust with the unfolding of my process. She's insightful, wise, and loving... and assisted me to experience a greater gestalt in my Be-ing!"

    Benita Silver, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of

I support

  • A woman’s right to choose, Women’s reproductive health, Women’s health initiatives, and Reproductive Justice

  • Equality and equanimity for black, brown, and indigenous peoples

  • LGBTQIA+ community

  • Access to clean water, food and air

  • Medicaid expansion and Medicare

  • Child Advocacy

  • Access to Mental Health Counseling

  • Immigration

  • Climate Action

  • Ukraine